The primary concern of most family, friends and students is often health and safety. At U of T, there is a wealth of information and resources available to you.

St. George Campus Safety Special Constable Service
Special Constables are on campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They provide a very helpful Campus Safety App (available on the App Store and Google Play). The Campus Safety App, which allows users to report an incident, provides easy access to maps and to the programs and services available on campus such as Travel Safer. St. George Campus Safety Special Constable Service also provides education and services with regards to personal safety, and preventing fraud and theft.

University of Toronto Alert System
Once registered, staff, faculty and students receive important safety messages through email or text. This system is meant to complement social media channels and is reserved for emergency messages. Encourage your student to sign up for the alerts.

Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Centre
The University of Toronto is committed to creating a campus environment where all members of the University community can study, work and live free from sexual violence. One of the ways we are working toward this is creating the Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Centre. The Centre offers education on campus as well as confidential, non-judgmental, client-centered services and support for students, staff and faculty members who have been affected by sexual violence or harassment.
For an individual needing emergency support when the Centre is closed, the University has compiled a list of emergency and community resources available. The Centre is also available to family and friends looking to support someone who has experienced sexual violence.

Health & Wellness provides in-person or virtual clinical services and education to students on campus.
From help with sleep, to tobacco cessation, doctor visits and mental health counsellors, Health & Wellness is a full-service clinic to meet your student’s physical and mental health needs. Encourage your student to check out their many programs and services.

Alcohol and cannabis use
In Ontario, alcohol and cannabis are legal to be consumed by individuals over the age of 19. The University takes an educational approach to both alcohol and cannabis use and treats cannabis in the same way it treats tobacco. As of January 1, 2019, the University of Toronto is a smoke-free campus. For the purposes of this policy, the word “smoking” includes the following: smoking or holding lighted tobacco or cannabis, and using an electronic cigarette or other vaping device. Where smoking is a feature of Indigenous ceremonial activities, the policy will accommodate such uses in accordance with applicable law. This policy is subject to the duty to accommodate persons with disabilities in accordance with the Human Rights Code of Ontario.

Sleep and nutrition
As you know, sleep and nutrition are very important to keep your student healthy and able to function at their highest level. However, we know that sleep and nutrition are the first things that suffer when students start feeling the stress of their academic life. The 2019 National College Health Assessment (NCHA) reported that 58% of U of T students eat approximately 1-2 servings of fruit/vegetables a day and only 5% are getting the recommended 5 or more servings a day (whether they live at home, in residence or off campus). As for sleep, 40% of U of T students report they get less than 7 hours sleep a night during the week.Your support in these areas is vital. If your student is finding sleep and good nutrition a challenge, encourage them to participate in one of Health & Wellness’ programs such as Mindful Eating, Sleep Well or get some support though a Food/Nutrition Consultation.